Data Protection Training

Personalized Data Protection training sessions
Know theoretically and practically the main risks that, in their sector, they assume in terms of Data Protection: the obligations as responsible for the treatments that are carried out with the personal data of citizens and their staff, as well as the prevention measures aimed at reducing these implications.
- Prepared to your size and adapted to your needs in terms of duration and content.
- You will optimize the processing of personal data in the company by improving the performance of your management procedures.
- You will avoid unnecessary risks in breaking the law.
- Ignorance breeds uncertainty
- Know the roles and obligations of all your staff.
- Information security measures.
- The management of the Security Document.
- The processing of personal data with third parties.
- The risk of being sanctioned.
Who can see and process data? Who authorizes access to information? Who is responsible for security? When can data be transferred? How do European regulations affect you?
For a correct implementation of the RGPD, all these questions must have a clear and efficient answer.
Train your team and minimize risks with personalized sessions on Data Protection