e-Privacy Service for Companies

e-Privacy regulations
A maxim these days is "you have to be on the Internet, otherwise you don't exist". And it can be very reasonable to think so, it seems unlikely that a company or professional is not visible and active on the Internet with at least one web page. Some, of course, already base their business on the network and then it is not an addition, it is the core business of their activity.
In this sense, it is essential to be on the Internet with total security and complying with the legal requirements, among them one of the most important, the General Data Protection Regulation and the specific one on Services and Information Security and Electronic Commerce.
Windat offers a complete implementation and advisory service:
- Analysis on compliance with the LSSI-CE.
- Drafting of the information clause.
- Writing of the link policy.
- Drafting of the cookie policy.
- Drafting of intellectual and industrial property rights.
- Limitation of responsibilities.
- Drafting of legal clauses on data protection.
- Drafting of the general conditions of employment.
- Drafting of the clauses for the sending of electronic communications.
- Jurisdiction and Applicable Laws.
Why is e-Privacy important for companies?
The e-Privacy regulations are essential to guarantee the confidentiality and security of electronic communications, protect personal data and ensure that your online business complies with legal regulations. Failure to comply can lead to serious penalties and loss of customer trust.
Protect your online presence with full e-Privacy compliance