Windat PRL and GDPR service

Windat PRL and GDPR service

RGPD compliance and Occupational Risk Prevention

RGPD and PRL go hand in hand, since companies manage confidential personal data of workers, who have the right to the protection of their privacy, but on the other hand it is necessary that this information is treated for health issues, results of the their medical examinations or in compliance with RD 171/2004 on the Coordination of Business Activities when they are sent to work at a client's home or when they receive workers from other companies to work in their facilities or for to them The vast majority of companies do not use and treat this information correctly and are therefore at constant risk.

In a broader framework, Acció Preventiva, a special collaborator of Windat, offers support to the client towards zero accident rates by improving the risk perception of its workers.


Ensure compliance with the GDPR and Occupational Risk Prevention in a single comprehensive service that protects your company and your workers.

Windat PRL and GDPR service
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