Internet security is a growing concern for all users, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Safer Internet Day is an initiative that is celebrated to promote the safe and responsible use of online technology every year on the second day of the second week of February. This year, it was February 9. The initiative was launched by the European Commission in 2004 and is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world. It is especially aimed at Internet users, but it is certainly necessary that professionals and small businesses also need special awareness.
And these companies often lack the resources to adequately protect themselves against cyberattacks, making them easy targets for hackers. The lack of adequate security measures can have serious consequences for the company, such as the loss of key data, business interruption and loss of customer trust. That is why it is crucial for SMEs to take steps to protect their information.
What issues could we take into account?
Start by ensuring that all passwords used in the company are secure. Passwords should be at least 8 characters long, including letters, numbers, and symbols. Additionally, each account should have a unique password and should not be shared between employees. It is essential that passwords are changed regularly and that old passwords are not used. Also, work with all programs and operating systems that are up to date. Updates often contain important security fixes that can protect your information online. Outdated programs can have security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. This includes using up-to-date antivirus and antimalware software. Very importantly, education and training for employees about online safety and the dangers they may face online, as well as establishing clear policies about the use of personal devices at work.
Another relevant issue is using appropriate encryption to protect data transmitted over the network. For example, monitor how you work from home or outside the office, where a secure internet connection is required and use a VPN if necessary. And finally, make regular backups of your valuable business information. This can help you recover information in the event of data loss. They should be stored in a safe place and tested regularly to ensure they are working properly.