New passport for the holidays

The debate began some time ago about whether some type of health accreditation was needed to allow vaccinated people to have another type of consideration, in terms of mobility, in the midst of the pandemic situation we are living in. If they are not a risk to the health of others, theoretically, why should they be subject to common limitations?

There is no need to deceive ourselves, this gesture to favor the movement of people is not only to guarantee freedom of movement, a fundamental right, but also an attempt to favor a certain economic reactivation of a strategic sector such as tourism. If this coronavirus crisis has demonstrated anything, it has been the dramatic dependence on tourism and the arrival of millions of passengers in the country, therefore, anything that can encourage the return of tourists always has the majority support of society.

One way to do this has been to propose the so-called health passport, a safe conduct to ensure mobility for those who are vaccinated and do not represent a danger of spreading the virus. Of course, this can make your hair stand on end just thinking about the inappropriate use of this personal information. Health data is particularly sensitive, but it turns out that if it is for travel and to avoid inconveniences inherent to the pandemic, perhaps the legal issue can be relaxed. To begin with, since not everyone is on equal terms to have this passport, the issue already seems suspiciously discriminatory. How will each of them do it without violating people's rights?

At this point, the countries of the European Union are working against the clock to complete the technical part of the so-called Green Digital Certificate, as they call the anti-covid passport. Spain is already carrying out technical tests with the intention of implementing it from June 1, although it will not be possible to use it until there is an agreement between the states and the European Parliament on the legislation that regulates the document. And as usually happens in matters of European policy, the thing does not look simple, since there will not be a single European application, but rather each state will have one that will allow storing certificates that are homologated in the EU that prove vaccination, having passed covid-19 or a negative result.

To top it all off, the safe conduct will be available in both digital and paper versions, although the proposal encourages the use of mobile phones to facilitate mobility. Another addition to put all eyes on the issue and ensure that all of this does not constitute an infringement on people's right to the protection of personal data and their own privacy.

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